Friday, November 21, 2014

Speaking Engagments

LILLIAN M. EASTERLY SMITH, Author, Speaker, Counselor, Coach
I am available for speaking engagements in a variety of settings and venues. If you would like to have me speak at your church, conference, retreat, or other event, contact me via e-mail:

Thanks for stopping by and considering me for your event!


"In the twelve years I have known Lillian she has been a steadfast source of encouragement to the body of Christ.  God has used her unique combination of gifting and skill to bring healing to those who have struggled with a variety of issues. Her impact has been widespread. I would recommend her to any church or group that is considering inviting her to come and speak."  ~Rick Beemer, LPC & Former Associate Pastor, Ridgewood Community Church

 "I had the opportunity to meet Lillian and Mike Smith of LifeCare through Jasmund Outreach when they came on a missionary trip to Ghana West Africa in February 2012. Under the banner 'Breaking Free', Lillian spoke on issues which were very pertinent to the holistic development of the individual. These presentations led to a time of great inner healing of the leaders and youth present at the program. Lillian is a gracefully insightful communicator and her simplified approach to living in Christ leads to great freedom and joy. We really appreciate and are looking forward to having her come and be a blessing to us again." - Pastor Roderick Agyekum, Founder, Chairman Christ for Youth International, Ghana, West-Africa.

"I have had the privilege of knowing Lillian professionally for over ten years. She is a dynamic woman with exceptional foresight as well as grace. Lillian is an excellent speaker, not only because of her personality but she has a storehouse of knowledge both Biblically and practically. Without hesitation, I highly endorse Lillian for any speaking engagement when a quality person is desired." ~Dr. Gail Majcher Ph.D. Clinical Psychologist Author and Speaker

"I have worked with Lillian Easterly-Smith for over 12 years and never cease to be amazed by her faith and commitment to Christ's priorities in her chosen field of Care Ministries. With over 25 years of hands-on experience in the trenches, she knows her stuff! She relies on solid Biblical principles, perceptive human insight and her deep compassion to help others face and overcome life's hurts and hang-ups.  Lillian continually blesses others by using her innate ability to touch the heart of each one in her audience. I know; I have been privileged to be there. She offers God-given truths that encourage, inspire and motivate listeners to take the actions they need to move forward in life and closer to God."   

June M. Kenny
Kenny & Associates, Inc. 
"Empowering Christian Leadership"

"Lillian Easterly-Smith is a woman filled with Grace. She can see people at their WORST and genuinely love them anyway! She does it daily, in fact. She ministers to imperfect people with the love of a Perfect Savior. Lillian definitely understands real problems in people's lives and believes in God's Grace and Power for change. She walks the road with people and has wisdom for their true transformation.
~Pastor Sonny Hennessey,
Life Church

"Lillian’s messages come from a proven life; she lives what she preaches and teaches. As a speaker, counselor, mentor, writer, teacher, encourager, mother, and grandmother, Lillian has the unique ability to relate to people of all ages, nationalities, and socio-economic backgrounds. She has traveled abroad on various outreaches holding conferences and training leaders. Her passion for the Word of God, Jesus Christ and His people causes her hearers to be deeply challenged and inspired and their lives changed. I’ve had the privilege of sitting under her teaching, and I sincerely hope you get that privilege, too." -C. Yvonne Karl, D.Min

 "I have had the opportunity to witness Lillian's unique gift of public communication in a predominately female setting at an area organization. I have also seen significant growth take place in those she has led. Lillian clearly has the ability to engage listeners and guide them into new levels of wholeness."  ~Chris Lambert, President, Life Remodeled former Pastor, Ekklesia, Westland, MI

Speaking topics are as follows which can be adapted to a talk on Sunday morning at your church, a seminar, conference, workshop or retreat presentation:
  • The Fabric of Healthy Relationships
  • Healthy Spirituality
  • The lies We Believe/ Telling Yourself the Truth
  • The Call to Care
  • The Great Exchange - Is 61
  • Discipleship - Following in the Steps of Jesus
  • Making Peace with the Past
  • Who Am I? Finding our Identity & Significance in Christ
  • Stress Management & Self-Care
  • Fool-proofing Your Life
  • Addiction & Grace
  • The Technology Trap - Is it controlling you?
  • Boundary Power
  • Breaking Free
  • Healing from Life's Losses
  • Health & Wellness Topics
  • Healthy Holidays
  • Ingredients for a Happy Marriage
  • Inner Healing Prayer
  • Leadership Training & Development
  • Search for Significance
  • Self-Defense for Women: Training & Informational Topics to protect and support you for life
  • The Anger Trap

Audio of several teachings are available at www.Sermon.Net...   Video presentations will be available on this blog in the near future as well as our web site or simply send a personal request to:

Friday, June 20, 2014

Health and Wellness Class B3

Class B3 - 6/19

Last Week Review
Discussion re: dvd – Forks over Knives

Notes will be posted on blog and facebook group page

Assignments – how’s it going?
Assignments - water: drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces daily, keep a food journal the next couple of weeks so you can identify trigger foods that will need to be part of your 90-day abstinence plan/ fast, your food journal also allows you to begin to monitor your eating or 'not eating' behaviors so you are able to become self-aware which is one of the key characteristics of someone healthy and while, increase prayer - pray about everything you are eating and doing, set aside one day a week as a treat day: you can eat whatever you want for that day, however, not 'how much' you want - practice moderation as you treat yourself - plan ahead for this, keeping in mind upcoming events, family get togethers, etc., Eliminate ALL fast food!

Calorie intake formula: weight x 7 – to lose weight x 10 – to maintain

From "First Place" & "Cruise Ship or Nursing Home" books
Setting our goals: Page 34 questions in First Place - discussion

Checklist for Success:
- I will find balance in all areas of my life. The fullness of a balanced life brings wholeness (body, soul, spirit).
- Zech 4:6 “Not by might, not by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord almighty”. Acknowledge the truth that God is good and that He offers you a hope-filled plan for your life and future. Your success begins with this fact!
- Run from quick fixes! This is a life style/ heart change process that will affect our ‘whole person’ – body, soul, spirit
- Give ALL of you to God – daily! (sometimes moment by moment) – offer your body as a living sacrifice (Ro 12:1-2)
- Keep your goals readily available and in mind
- Start today – no excuses – then.. do ‘the next right thing’!
- Formula for lasting change: A worthy goal + effort + focus

Where do you want to be when you are 60-70? Cruise Ship or Nursing Home?
Our road map to maximized/ abundant living will take 5 Essentials:
1. A renewed mind (lack of sleep, poor self-worth/ identity, stress – cause neurotransmitter burnout. Chronic fatigue, self-talk check, increased stress hormones, adrenals)
........................ to be continued next week.... Read Chapter 2 of First Place.... 30-Day Challenge - change eating habits according to Forks over Knives dvd -- monitor and record changes. -- Are you in?

Monday, May 19, 2014

The Fabric of Healthy Relationships Seminar 5/10

The Fabric of Healthy Relationships

Check out audio for additional information...

Relationships have their basis in the Bible.  Isn’t it interesting that the first statement God made concerning the man He created was, “Let us make man in our image”  (Gen 1:26).  Each of us was created to model our life and character on the image of God.  The God that we are to reflect is a God of relationships – Father, Son & Holy Spirit.
Then we read “It is not good from the man to be alone” (Gen 2:18).  Loneliness is the first thing that God said was not good….. Ecc 4:9 and 10 says, “---Two are better than one,
    because they have a good return for their labor:
10 If either of them falls down,
    one can help the other up.
But pity anyone who falls
    and has no one to help them up.

First of all let’s define it/ them… What is a relationship? – It is the mutual sharing of life between 2 people.  For a relationship to exist, there has to be “mutualability”.  Each person is contributing.  Both need to participate in some way or it won’t work. 
Sharing Life = being genuine with each other.  It’s standing in front of a person and saying, “this is who I am!”  NO disclaimers or apologies.

There are different types of relationships and there are different levels of relationships…
        Casual – work, neighbors, acquaintances, not a long-term commitment usually.
Binding Relationships – family, spouse, children, valued as permanent and long-term – (more biology than connectedness at times for family – spiritual family – we are all adopted)
Minimal – involve simple, surface-level interaction.  Do not give or receive help, emotional support or love from each other – could also be in the same category as casual
Moderate – have minimal’s characteristics but also includes an emotional attachment. There is emotional bonding.. sharing hurts, concerns, joys and needs. 
Strong – difference in this one and Moderate is one word:  help.  High involvement.  Reaching out to minister in some tangible way.  You provide and receive help.  Emotional support is a stronger tie than helping and yet some bypass the emotional support and try to go to this level.  This leads to shallow relationships.
Quality – friends, spouses, parents, etc…no secrets, no barriers in the relationship.  It is built on complete mutual trust.  Feelings of safety with each other.  What you share with each other is treated as a gift/ treasure..   (inner circle people)
Draw & Explain circle….  Jesus as example… discipleship, etc…

In all of these types and levels of relationships, they can be healthy or unhealthy…..What are the…

Essential Components of Healthy Relationships:

Do Brainstorming at tables then….on the board…..

I.                  Individual Emotional/ Mental health – What does that look like? 
#1 Self-Awareness – How many of us take the time to periodically do a personal inventory?  Allow God to search us as David models in Psalm 139:23-24? I challenge you to make this your prayer…The Message reads, “Investigate my life, O God, find out everything about me; Cross-examine and test me, get a clear picture of what I’m about; See for yourself whether I’ve done anything wrong – then guide me on the road to eternal life”
Let’s look at another model in Scripture of someone who did this.  And, he did this while in the depths of emotional pain… Let’s look at Job….(Turn to….)                                                         
Job 31: 1-12  Personal (lust, lying, adultery, thought life)
13-22                                      Public (treatment of others – his conduct – the poor, slaves, widows, orphans)
24-40        Spiritual (use of $$, attitudes toward revenge, motives, hospitality, worship/ idolatry--  “we would never think of worshipping a picture or statue but… are we giving a loved one first place in our lives? 
A relationship – that person who is #1 in our affections,
maybe we’re worshipping money, position, power.  Perhaps our job or ministry is our top priority.
Luke 4:8 You shall worship the Lord your God and Him only you shall serve” – take some time to examine your heart make sure that you have not become an idolater.  “An idol is anything that takes the place of God or interferes with our relationship with Him.

#2 Maturity – Reaching one’s potential.  Developing skills, gifts & using them in a community.

#3  Wholeness:  James 1: 3-4 “because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.  Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
  Eph 1:4-6 (The Message) “Long before he laid down earth’s foundation, He had us in mind; settled on us as the focus of His love, to be made whole and holy by His love.

Components to becoming whole 

1)                Belonging to a family:  Love bonds meet belongingness needs (we’ll talk more about this later). Increase sharing and closeness with others.  Prayerfully consider if God is bringing someone into your life to provide some gaps in your family of origin or in theirs?…Unhealthy Family Examples

2)                Receiving and giving life – We all need life-giving relationships with those in other stages of life.  This helps us and them to achieve success in the stage of life we are in.  We need to know who we are and be reminded of who we are by those that love us.

3)                Recovering from the effects of traumas – past relationships, family/ childhood experiences that have impacted us.   

4)                Contributing to a community

Bonds that are based on Love not Fear  (possible Handout or just explain)

Interdependence not codependency (healthy boundaries) or independence (I don’t really need you)

Five Necessary  “Have You’s”  Before Marriage

1)    Resolved Family conflicts?  2 Cor 5:18
2)    Forgiven all your hurts?  Eph 4:31-32
3)    Overcome your moral conflicts? 
4)    Cleared your conscience before God?  Acts 24:16
5)    Kept all the commitments you’ve made the last 2 years?

Now, let’s talk about friendship…”The next best thing to being wise oneself is to live in a circle of those who are.” ~C.S. Lewis   And… let’s face it… for those of you who desire to be married one day.. You should be marrying your best friend.

Brainstorm….on the board
A friend is someone…………………
Who has the same values I have or ones I aspire to have  (this is important and may be different for each of us – discuss being unequally yoked ·  2 Corinthians 6:14
[ Warning Against Idolatry ] Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?
·        To do things with
·        I can tell my innermost thoughts to
·        I can call when I’m feeling down
·        Who’ll stand by me through thick and thin
·        Who will always be honest with me
·        Who cares about me

What they provide…………
·        Advice or information based on their knowledge and experience
·        Material help like loans, carpools, babysitting, etc.
·        Prayer support and spiritual guidance at times
·        Emotional support – love, understanding, empathy
·        Companionship – sharing time and activities together

Barriers to friendships/ relationships……..
·        Shyness – Research indicates that when asked if adults considered themselves shy, more than half of all adults say ‘yes’. 
·        Fear of rejection – could be a result of personal issues that have not been resolved.  Don’t always take rejection personal – when should you?  Well….if it keeps happening and you are the common denominator; you may be the horse that needs a saddle…
·        Gender issues - Men often have special problems reaching out and building relationships --  talking about feelings or acknowledging they need support may be difficult.  And yet, they fail to realize that the studies indicate that a man with support of true friends is less likely to break under strain than a man who goes it alone – less sickness & disease.
·        Prejudices – rejected a possible friend wrong age, sex, race or social status?  A diverse support network is livelier, more interesting, more fun and stronger in the long run.

10 Minutes to do: Self-test & break

Possibly take Feedback from group (only if there is time)

Qualities to cultivate that will help us have lasting relationships: 

1.          God first!  (and.. let Him pick your relationships)   BIBLE
2.          Know yourself & allow yourself to be known (take off the mask)

3.          Let go of relationship fantasies – what are some? “I am going to find a cherished best friend, one that understands me at all times, can read my mind, enjoys me and the same things I do, they will be deeply and passionately in love and pursuing Christ like me, THEY will be available to me whenever I need them and be encouraging and empathetic.  They’ll always get my jokes and never be offended by any of my failures.  TRUTH: There is no human being alive that can fulfill my fantasy. There is no one that can be someone’s one and only.
4.          Let go of Unrealistic Expectations – friends/ people we love are not able to satisfy our insatiable soul in a lasting way… the beautiful freeing truth is Jesus is the only one who can satisfy – He actually is the only one who is meant to! Relationship is costly, risky. It is meant to provide a
5.          Be flexible -  SOMETHING THAT BENDS
6.          Avoid assuming & mind reading
7.          Listen – really listen!
8.          Diversify your friendships – they are for mutual enjoyment
9.      Don’t run away  (conflict, fear – getting too close/ self-protection)
10.           Be truthful, but kind -Be careful with truth (check your motives regularly before speaking truth to your friend – the ‘why’ behind the desire to share something. Caution: Words cannot be erased. We are NOT supposed to speak everything we think.. even if it’s the truth. If things can not be shared and spoken in love, they should not be spoken until that is possible. Be tactful, not rude. Be honest but only to the point of being loving.  We can do great damage to one another all in the name of honesty.
11.           Have a sense of humor – A FUNNY TOY OR STUFFED ANIMAL
12.           Learn to be tough enough – LEATHER JACKET
13.           Swallow your pride – let character development and refinement happen. There is no better place for sanctification to happen than in relationships (Iron sharpens Iron) Ask for forgiveness and own your ‘stuff’
14.           Realize that friendship is messy (BALLED UP YARN OR SOMETHING)– anything in this life that is worthwhile is going to be difficult/ hard at times. The blessing far outweighs the mess.. remember that – especially when you are in the midst of a mess/ conflict.
15.           (BIG GREEN EYE PIC) Work through and let go of Jealousy & Envy which can cause eventual death to relationships – God does not want us to be jealous or envious of what someone receives or achieves or others they are in relationship with. We are called to rejoice with them – want the best for them. Delight in one another’s successes and blessings and be vigilant against jealousy and envy.
16.     Hold your friends loosely, but hold them - Don’t let desire for relationship (or a different kind of relationship/ closer, etc) to turn into demand. Unclench your fist – let go – enjoy what ‘is’
17.     Forgive offenses as quickly as possible – 1 Cor 13:5 – no record of wrongs…  be angry but do not sin..  strongholds…   offense – word in the scripture actually means “bait” – don’t take the bait of the offense… if you don’t, it will fester and poison the relationship. (talk about reconciliation)
18.     Discern and break unholy soul ties from past relationships -  “Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.” Eph 4:3.   holy bonds – David & Jonathan 1Sam 18:1    unholy bonds are described in 2 Cor 6:14, 1 Cor 6:15-16, etc....they can also be described as bonds that create illegitimate domination – sometimes a parent-child, spouse-spouse, etc  If there are forms of obsession either way, it is possible that an unholy soul tie has been created that must be broken (this really is pretty much like codependency but it goes beyond emotional into affecting us spiritually as well). This could manifest in things such as a person affecting ones feelings/ mood or threats (unspoken or spoken)  These type of unholy soul ties can suck the life out of you.  What do we do?  Prayer!  Understanding who we are in Christ, etc…  Sample (on your handout) from “Becoming Myself” by Stasi Eldredge  “By the cross of Jesus Christ I now sever all soul ties with ______ in the Name of Jesus. I bring the cross of Christ between us and I bring the love of Christ between us. I send ______’s soul tie/ connection back to them and I forbid that unholy connection to me. I command my soul to the Spirit of Jesus and release _____ to You. I entrust them to You, Jesus. Bless them I pray; In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”
19.     (Gift bag/present) Treasure the gift – our relationships truly are just that – gifts from God!
20.     The only way to have a friend is to be one. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

A friend is one who knows you as you are and understands where you’ve been, accepts who you’ve become and still, gently invites you to grow. ~anonymous…   BE THAT FRIEND!

Break into groups for male/female Q&A discussions for 15 min – anything gender specific that was not addressed that you would like info on/ discussion about.. then.. we will come back together for any general Q&A and prayer

Q&A –index cards

How does one go deep with someone who is unable to get in touch with their feelings?   Response on audio

Friday, May 9, 2014

Health and Wellness Class 11

Class 11
What did you find that is your symbol for the promise of a healthier life?

For Next Week - Made to Crave – Finish C19 and read Pgs 215-216  review all the chapters and bring questions and sharing for discussion for next week

Quotes to cling to this week with discussion:

Crave – Pursue holiness.. “God is the only One we should long for; want greatly; desire eagerly.”

“I need God to unsettle me”.  My lack of strength needs to disgust me!  Read Pg 171-172  (pray that it would - your lack of strength and your sin)

“I will discipline myself BEFORE circumstances or God’s discipline forces me to.”  (circumstances: diabetes, all forms of disease or God's discipline)

“This journey has more to do with what I am GAINING not LOSING!”  What are we gaining?  Discuss  (closer relationship with God, knowledge - helpful to us and to others, health, going out strong, energy)

“I will NOT be mastered by anything!” 1 Cor 6:12

“Repent!”  What does this really mean?  A change of thought.. turning away from and turning 'to'... God!

Reflective Questions and Sharing
Pg 176  2, 3, 4
Pg 186  1, 2, 4

Prayer time:  If you could ask God for one good thing that would help you to feel a deep and soul-filling satisfaction, what would it be?

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Health and Wellness Class 7

Class 7
Share healthy recipes 

Health Discussion – review and check ups
Discuss Essential oils and massage/ raindrop treatments – what did you learn last week?  Questions?  If you want to sign up for Young Living oils, let me know – I can get you connected so you can get a starter kit.
Let’s talk deodorant..- use lavender oil.. be sure what you have does not have aluminum (cancer causing)  soap… shower – purchase a shower filter (only about $45) filters chlorine out which is toxic to the body…  what is the skin? A sponge!!… sun screen – the truth is: sun screen CAUSES skin cancer…. What can I use instead?  Shea butter, take astaxanthin in pill form – prevents sun burn also helps with wrinkles, just all around great for the skin, use Alba Botanica or some other good product from the health food store. 
One word check up and accountability: in a few words – describe how you are feeling/ thinking about your progress

Read Made to Crave – C12 & 13 for next week (we will also cover C11 since we did not cover it this week)

Quotes to cling to this week
“Satan wants me to think I have to have something to comfort me…If I choose incorrectly, I will be haunted by the consequences later.”
“I have circled this mountain too long. I will turn North. Self-pity, fear, pride and negativity will NOT paralyze me!”
“I will practice prayers where I don’t speak at all.”
Assignment:  I will take the time to write out some old lies and new truths related to my issues with food and lifestyle changes…. And use them this week.

Reflective Questions and Sharing (more from last class and this week’s reading)
Pg 107  1, 3, 4, 5
Pg 117  1, 2, 3, 4

Monday, March 10, 2014

Health and Wellness Class 5

Class 5
Review Class 4 Assignments – How’d it go?
Assignment from last week: –
Supplements – detox  - digestive enzymes, probiotics, Facebook group for accountability and sharing  

Assignment for next week & health discussion
Let’s talk toothpaste/ fluoride is toxic! – (kiss my face, spry as options), gum (pass out pieces)– options, benefits of oil pulling: whitens teeth, strengthens teeth, gums, jaw – prevents cavities & gingivitis, banishes bad breath, relieves headaches, helps you sleep better, clears sinuses, detoxifies the body
Salad dressing cautions & options…   honey and lemon, apple cider vinegar, garlic, olive oil... vegannise or hummus on veggie sandwiches/ black bean burgers,

Reasons you may not be losing weight:
1) Your body is operating from an energy deficit (Mike mentioned this a couple of weeks ago).
When there is a chronic energy deficit (fewer calories coming in than going out), over time the body starts thinking food is scarce. This results in the body holding on to fat as a way to protect itself. To make an analogy, think of your body like a house. If you’re not making enough money to pay your electricity bill, what do you do? Well, you turn down the heat in your house to compensate. The body operates in a similar way. When there are not enough calories coming in, the body saves energy by reducing body temperature (slowing the metabolism), turning down digestive juices (making digestion weaker), reducing the pulse, and slowing thyroid function (resulting in less energy). This is a built-in survival response by the body, to help you go longer on less food. This is often induced through calorie counting and dieting.

2) You’re not healthy yet.

Weight loss is not a priority when your body and internal organs are not nourished. You cant short-cut to weight loss, it should come only after the body is healthy enough to do it naturally.

3) You’re eating food that exceeds your body’s current digestive capabilities.

When you eat food that exceeds your body’s ability to digest, those foods end up work against you. This is common in people who are struggling with nutritional debt. Nutritional deficiencies make the body more sensitive to harder to digest foods, particularly dairy and gluten. Often it’s necessary to remove those foods while you work towards nutritional wealth. When your body gets richer so-to-speak, then you can usually add them back in without problems.
Also when you’re eating food you cant digest– you’re NOT actually absorbing and assimilating the nutrients you are actually eating. So in turn this creates MORE nutritional debt. (we discussed the importance of digestive enzymes last week – especially with cooked food)

4) You cut out all carbs.

When you’re not eating enough of the right carbohydrates that are essential to stimulating metabolism and the conversion of thyroid hormone (T4 to T3) in the liver, weight loss is unlikely. Without an adequate store of carbohydrates (glycogen) in the liver, the body will not make enough of this very important thyroid conversion. An easy way to self-check yourself is by taking your body temperature first thing when you wake up in the morning. If it’s lower than 97.8 degrees upon waking, your inability to lose weight is probably related to #1 and/or #4.

 - Find a great healthy recipe and bring it in to share next week.

- Read Chapters 9 & 10

Made to Crave – C6 - 8

Quotes to cling to this week
“Growing closer to God has more to do with positioning my heart toward His” – Yes, I am going to get healthy: but….. the deeper reason for choosing to purify myself is to grow closer to God.
I will become a person of self-discipline to honor God and live out the fruit of ‘self-control’.
“That food choice is permissible but not beneficial; therefore, I choose NOT to eat it.”
 “My issues with food will NOT hold me back in my calling and commitment to Christ.”
“God’s divine power gives me all I need to experience victory in my struggles!”
“I will define my week by obedience.”

Reflective Questions and Sharing – we will cover more of these next week since we did not complete them as well as some from C9 and 10
Pg 67  2 - 5
Pg 76  2, 3, 5
Pg 84    1, 3, 6

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Health and Wellness Class 4

Class 4
Review Class 3 assignments – How’d it go?
Assignment from last week: – remember .. baby steps – at any point this becomes overwhelming and you find yourself failing more than succeeding go back to the week before and just stick with those steps and keep following through… 
Those who eat eggs – switch to free range eggs
Start eliminating all white flour products from your diet – white rice, breads, pasta – use multi-grain, quinoa, rice… wheat isn’t so great
Has everyone done away with pop/ soda? If not.. it’s time…
Meat – eliminate processed meat such as – hot dogs, luncheon meats, spam, sausage.. meat that is not in it’s original form

Assignment for next week
Let’s talk Supplements – Are you taking any?  What?  If none.. start!
Let’s talk detox --- quarterly – every season is a good way to remember – several options available - email me for ideas:
Facebook group for accountability and sharing? YES!  started - email me if you want to join- if you haven't already
Read Chapters 6-8 in Made to Crave

Made to Crave – C4, 5
Quotes to cling to this week
-  “I must be aware that desperation breeds degradation.” 1Peter 5:7-8  See page 42
- When tempted and ready to cave: “I was made for victory. I was made for more than this. I will find my way to that truth.”
- I will be persistent – keep asking!
- I will embrace my true identity – Use “Who I Am in Christ” from Freedom in Christ Ministries or Made to Crave Pg 52 & 54
- I will find the deeper reason
- I have a hope and power like never before from God!

Reflective Questions and Sharing
Pg 47, 2 & 3
Pg 56, 1, 3, 4

Monday, February 24, 2014


Class 3
Review Class 2  - assignments – How’d it go?
Assignments – Let’s Get Movin’!
No eating 3 hours before you go to bed
Those trying to lose – lunch has to be your biggest meal – go light in the evening or.. make an attempt to eating small meals all day every 3 hours
- 5 min stretch daily         - workout/ get moving:  do something at least once this week if you are not working out at all… others: do at least 2-3   - try doing a few high intensity workouts…  5-10 minutes…  Mike demonstrate:  30 seconds of intensity, 10 sec break, repeat - running in place, jumping jacks, crunches, squats, plank, lunges, push ups, etc.
Made to Crave – C1-3
Quotes to cling to this week:
 “Each time I crave something I know if not part of God’s plan for me, I will use that craving as a prompt to pray.”
“The purpose of my struggle with food is so much more than the scale or the clothing size I wear.” Ask the Lord what it is. “Am I really ready to surrender?”
“I will not allow food or anything apart from God be my comfort, my reward, my joy, my stress or sadness reliever, or… my happiness!”
1Cor 10:23 “Everything is permissible – but not everything is beneficial”. I have the power available to me to choose what is beneficial.   See Pg 195 in your book for more passages.
“I am choosing to look at this journey as a process of embracing healthy choices rather than denying myself.”  Food is like a drug that is sabotaging my body, my mental energy, and even my spirit.

Reflective Questions and Sharing
Pg 25, #3 & #4
Pg 32, #1 (pg 28), #4, #3 – using food for comfort, reward, joy, stress, sadness, happiness?
Pg 40, Let’s talk more about food plans.. what food plans have you adopted if any and done the research to make a decision?  Paleo, vegan, vegetarian, maker’s diet, hallelujah acres, the Daniel plan, Lys T’s plan on .. a combination?
Next Assignment – remember .. baby steps – at any point this becomes overwhelming and you find yourself failing more than succeeding go back to the week before and just stick with those steps and keep following through… 
Those who eat eggs – switch to free range eggs
Start eliminating all white flour products from your diet – white rice, breads, pasta – use multi grain, quinoa, rice… wheat isn’t so great
Has everyone done away with pop/ soda? If not.. it’s time…
Meat – eliminate processed meat such as – hot dogs, luncheon meats, spam, sausage.. meat that is not in it’s original form

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Health and Wellness Classes 1 and 2

Class 1 - Intro
We will be getting educated about health - life style changes/ practical tips including exercise while also working through the book "Made to Crave" by Lysa Terkeurst
Notes will be posted on the blog - at times the class will be recorded 

Discussions regarding the need for a 'heart' change as we go through this course rather than just a 'behavior' change. Our approach will be body, soul (mind and emotions) and spirit.

Assignments - water: drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces daily, keep a food journal the next couple of weeks so you can identify trigger foods that will need to be part of your 90-day abstinence plan/ fast, your food journal also allows you to begin to monitor your eating or 'not eating' behaviors so you are able to become self-aware which is one of the key characteristics of someone healthy and while, increase prayer - pray about everything you are eating and doing, set aside one day a week as a treat day: you can eat whatever you want for that day, however, not 'how much' you want - practice moderation as you treat yourself - plan ahead for this, keeping in mind upcoming events, family get togethers, etc.,  Eliminate ALL fast food!

Attend the Health Expo this Sat if you can.

Class 2
Review  - assignments from last week, health expo, P Nielsen testimony/ dvd from tonight

Calorie intake formula:    weight x 7 – to lose    weight x 10 – to maintain
Assignments for this week – Let’s Get Movin’!
No eating 3 hours before you go to bed
Those trying to lose – lunch has to be your biggest meal – go light in the evening or.. make an attempt to eating small meals all day every 3 hours
- 5 min stretch daily              
- workout/ get moving:  do something at least once this week if you are not working out at all… others: do at least 2-3
- try doing a few high intensity workouts…  5-10 minutes…  Mike demonstrate:  30 seconds of intensity, 10 sec break, repeat - running in place, jumping jacks, crunches, squats, plank, lunges, push ups, etc.

Made to Crave
Quotes to cling to (whiteboard):
  “He (God) made us to CRAVE HIM, not the things in life we have been craving”
  “Our bodies are not our own – we need to honor God with the way we choose to treat it.”
   “This journey is NOT about weight loss as much as it is about complete dependence on God”.
 “If I am eating compulsively, eating and purging, not eating at all, food is dominating my mind instead of deep communion with God. I commit to not allowing anything to take the place of God in my life.”

Volunteer – read dedication out of book…

Intro – Finding our ‘want to’
It’s not the ‘how to’ most of us are missing.. it’s the ‘want to’.  Are the changes we are making really worth the sacrifice?  We all have to answer this question..    The struggle is partially a lack of health self love – desire to do self care…  ever heard “you can’t help them unless they want it for themselves.. they have to want it for themselves.. love themselves enough to make the change – get sober – get into recovery – get help ? “    
 -- explanation about addiction ----   soooo we have to come up with something else for now…they do/ maybe we do

so.. what’s our motivation going to be?   Brainstorm ideas – pics, lists, reward system, etc..

We also have to fight against the rationalizations.
 -- what are some you have had in the past/ or even now?   There are some in the book on page 13
   ---- "the Bible doesn’t’ specifically say this is wrong".  – the Bible is not specific about many things  but the principle is there  (gluttony is there, the temple/ our bodies, story of the rich man in Matthew 19 – EVERYTHING – this story isn’t just about money.. is it?  Give it all… surrender.. sacrifice.. then.. come follow me.  Mark 8:34 Jesus said “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.”

In Christ – if we want to gain, we have to give up..  If we want to be filled, we have to stop filling ourselves – we have to deny ourselves. If we truly want to get close to God, we’ll have to distance ourselves from the things that pull us away from Him”.

It is always easier to make excuses then change. What is God calling you to do?

Spiritually – ask God to give you the desire to be healthy and the strength to follow through on what He asks you to do…  not willing?  God help me become willing…  Step 3 in the 12 steps.. 

Physically – turn your spiritual insights into practical choices as God leads and directs you ‘one day at a time’.  Admit your issues and do something about it – hypertension, low energy, over weight, achy, getting sick more often, have the onset of some disease?

Mentally – Delete ‘com’ from compromise and start with a promise. We were made for more than compromise. We were made for God’s promises.. in EVERY area of our lives!!!  Look for the promises in His word this week and cling to them with regard to your needs, etc… begin to change your thinking – ‘be transformed by the renewing of your mind’

Emotionally – just like any area of recovery.. we have to ‘feel, deal & heal’. We can no longer eat or ‘not eat’ to suppress or control our emotions. We MUST learn healthy ways of expressing and releasing them. How can we do that?  Let’s share some ideas. – new coping mechanisms and ways to get emotional health.

For next week – read C1, 2 and 3 of MtoC