Class 1 - Intro
We will be getting educated about health - life style changes/ practical tips including exercise while also working through the book "Made to Crave" by Lysa Terkeurst
Notes will be posted on the blog - at times the class will be recorded
Discussions regarding the need for a 'heart' change as we go through this course rather than just a 'behavior' change. Our approach will be body, soul (mind and emotions) and spirit.
Assignments - water: drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces daily, keep a food journal the next couple of weeks so you can identify trigger foods that will need to be part of your 90-day abstinence plan/ fast, your food journal also allows you to begin to monitor your eating or 'not eating' behaviors so you are able to become self-aware which is one of the key characteristics of someone healthy and while, increase prayer - pray about everything you are eating and doing, set aside one day a week as a treat day: you can eat whatever you want for that day, however, not 'how much' you want - practice moderation as you treat yourself - plan ahead for this, keeping in mind upcoming events, family get togethers, etc., Eliminate ALL fast food!
Attend the Health Expo this Sat if you can.
Class 2
Review - assignments from last week, health expo, P
Nielsen testimony/ dvd from tonight
Calorie intake
formula: weight x 7 – to lose weight x 10 – to maintain
Assignments for this
week – Let’s Get Movin’!
No eating 3 hours before
you go to bed
Those trying to lose –
lunch has to be your biggest meal – go light in the evening or.. make an attempt to eating small meals all day every 3 hours
- 5 min stretch daily
- workout/ get moving: do something at least
once this week if you are not working out at all… others: do at least 2-3
- try doing a few high
intensity workouts… 5-10 minutes… Mike demonstrate: 30 seconds of intensity, 10 sec break, repeat - running in place, jumping jacks, crunches, squats, plank, lunges, push ups, etc.
Made to Crave
Quotes to cling to
“He (God) made us to CRAVE HIM, not the
things in life we have been craving”
“Our bodies are not our own – we need to
honor God with the way we choose to treat it.”
“This journey is NOT about weight loss as
much as it is about complete dependence on God”.
“If I am eating compulsively, eating and
purging, not eating at all, food is dominating my mind instead of deep
communion with God. I commit to not allowing anything to take the place of God
in my life.”
Volunteer – read
dedication out of book…
Intro – Finding our
‘want to’
It’s not the ‘how to’ most
of us are missing.. it’s the ‘want to’.
Are the changes we are making really worth the sacrifice? We all have to answer this question.. The struggle is partially a lack of health
self love – desire to do self care… ever
heard “you can’t help them unless they want it for themselves.. they have to
want it for themselves.. love themselves enough to make the change – get sober
– get into recovery – get help ? “
-- explanation about addiction ---- soooo we have to come up with something else
for now…they do/ maybe we do
so.. what’s our motivation
going to be? Brainstorm ideas – pics, lists,
reward system, etc..
We also have to fight
against the rationalizations.
-- what are some you have had in the past/ or
even now? There are some in the book on
page 13
"the Bible doesn’t’ specifically say this is wrong". – the Bible is not specific about many things but the principle is there (gluttony is there, the temple/ our bodies, story of the rich man
in Matthew 19 – EVERYTHING – this story isn’t just about money.. is it? Give it all… surrender.. sacrifice.. then..
come follow me. Mark 8:34 Jesus said “If anyone would come
after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.”
In Christ – if we want to
gain, we have to give up.. If we want to
be filled, we have to stop filling ourselves – we have to deny ourselves. If we
truly want to get close to God, we’ll have to distance ourselves from the
things that pull us away from Him”.
It is always easier to
make excuses then change. What is God calling you to do?
Spiritually – ask God to give you the desire to be healthy and
the strength to follow through on what He asks you to do… not willing?
God help me become willing… Step
3 in the 12 steps..
Physically – turn your spiritual insights into practical
choices as God leads and directs you ‘one day at a time’. Admit your issues and do something about it –
hypertension, low energy, over weight, achy, getting sick more often, have the
onset of some disease?
Mentally – Delete ‘com’ from compromise and start with a
promise. We were made for more than compromise. We were made for God’s
promises.. in EVERY area of our lives!!!
Look for the promises in His word this week and cling to them with
regard to your needs, etc… begin to change your thinking – ‘be transformed by
the renewing of your mind’
Emotionally – just like any area of recovery.. we have to
‘feel, deal & heal’. We can no longer eat or ‘not eat’ to suppress or
control our emotions. We MUST learn healthy ways of expressing and releasing
them. How can we do that? Let’s share
some ideas. – new coping mechanisms and ways to get emotional health.
For next week – read C1, 2
and 3 of MtoC