Friday, June 20, 2014

Health and Wellness Class B3

Class B3 - 6/19

Last Week Review
Discussion re: dvd – Forks over Knives

Notes will be posted on blog and facebook group page

Assignments – how’s it going?
Assignments - water: drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces daily, keep a food journal the next couple of weeks so you can identify trigger foods that will need to be part of your 90-day abstinence plan/ fast, your food journal also allows you to begin to monitor your eating or 'not eating' behaviors so you are able to become self-aware which is one of the key characteristics of someone healthy and while, increase prayer - pray about everything you are eating and doing, set aside one day a week as a treat day: you can eat whatever you want for that day, however, not 'how much' you want - practice moderation as you treat yourself - plan ahead for this, keeping in mind upcoming events, family get togethers, etc., Eliminate ALL fast food!

Calorie intake formula: weight x 7 – to lose weight x 10 – to maintain

From "First Place" & "Cruise Ship or Nursing Home" books
Setting our goals: Page 34 questions in First Place - discussion

Checklist for Success:
- I will find balance in all areas of my life. The fullness of a balanced life brings wholeness (body, soul, spirit).
- Zech 4:6 “Not by might, not by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord almighty”. Acknowledge the truth that God is good and that He offers you a hope-filled plan for your life and future. Your success begins with this fact!
- Run from quick fixes! This is a life style/ heart change process that will affect our ‘whole person’ – body, soul, spirit
- Give ALL of you to God – daily! (sometimes moment by moment) – offer your body as a living sacrifice (Ro 12:1-2)
- Keep your goals readily available and in mind
- Start today – no excuses – then.. do ‘the next right thing’!
- Formula for lasting change: A worthy goal + effort + focus

Where do you want to be when you are 60-70? Cruise Ship or Nursing Home?
Our road map to maximized/ abundant living will take 5 Essentials:
1. A renewed mind (lack of sleep, poor self-worth/ identity, stress – cause neurotransmitter burnout. Chronic fatigue, self-talk check, increased stress hormones, adrenals)
........................ to be continued next week.... Read Chapter 2 of First Place.... 30-Day Challenge - change eating habits according to Forks over Knives dvd -- monitor and record changes. -- Are you in?