Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Soul Detox L11. Toxic "Stuff"

        MOOD POISONING– Materialism

That feeling of freedom, open highways of possibilities, has…been lost to materialism and marketing. ~Sheryl Crow

Christmas – pic of Christmas tree and gifts

Black Friday shopping, visa / master card/ Amex bills

Spender vs. Saver… Frugal/ Thrifty vs Extravagant
In Debt?...…  you don’t have to live that way!  The argument – everybody lives this way.. keeping up with the Jones’.  Dave Ramsey “Live like nobody else so you can live like nobody else”.

The Price:  (pics)
Living the cycle of work, spend, charge, work harder, spend more, charge more.
It’s a pervasive, insidious disease especially in our Western culture – we used to want (pics) the latest Barbie doll, GI Joe, baseball mitt or 10 speed bike from K-Mart.  Now kids expect (pics) ipods, cell phones – not just any cell phone – an iphone, designer clothes, designer shoes
Why?  Peer pressure – keep up with the latest trends.. have to wear the right label or you can’t hang out with the right crowd..which means you can’t sit at the ‘right’ table at lunch or go out with the ‘right’ girl/ guy for the Valentine’s dance..  Emotional need: belonging, acceptance, affirmation.  The best a parent can do is to refuse to spend the $50 for a shirt that the child will out grow in 6 months – crazy!!!
Our culture overwhelms us with toxic materialism. A lying spirit tells us that more money and better things will get us the life we desire – then, we’ll be secure, happy, significant.

(pic) like a smoker enjoying their cigarette, knowing each puff damages their lungs, many of us willingly inhale the toxic lies of materialism at the expense of our souls’ health and our effectiveness for Christ in the world. Jesus has something to say about this… “What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?” Matt 16:26

Pic of House
People like to pretend to be rich but in reality they have nothing. Most in our current day and age are ‘house poor’…or.. they do not believe in delayed gratification.

Proverbs 13:7   “One person pretends to be rich, yet has nothing;(A)
    another pretends to be poor, yet has great wealth.(B)”

Pic of car
What about those car payments? The lending institutions are more than happy to accommodate us so our payments are more manageable.. the car loans are being extended to 5 and 6 years.. what?  And the payments are still 500 plus!!  What!?  And.. of course depreciation hits the minute to drive your band spanking new vehicle off the lot. 
Pic of Hawaii
What about vacations?  Honeymoons?  Oh.. no problem.. I’ll just charge it and pay it back a little at a time.. and the honeymoon.. well. Certainly the financial gifts that are given will cover that, right?   NOT! In reality, it’s not the destination that makes the trip, but the person you’re with…..And after it’s all said and done..  how much do we end up paying for those vacations or those items? What’s the mindset?  ‘play now.. pay later’  
Recent stats:  60% of workers under 30 yrs of age have already cashed in our borrowed against their retirement. 70% of them have no money whatsoever in cash reserves. – no emergency fund.  Dave Ramsey says we need to have $1000 accessible to use for emergencies and work toward saving enough to carry us with our current bills for 6 months!  Good financial management I’d say!!!

In our spend happy society however, no one seems to ‘get it’. There is a spirit of entitlement in our day that is poisoning our 20 and 30 something generation. The mentality is ‘life is short, I want it now, I deserve it’
Rom 1:25  25 They exchanged the truth about God for a lie,(A) and worshiped and served created things(B) rather than the Creator—who is forever praised.(C) Amen.(D)
People reject God’s truth with its power to liberate and satisfy and instead embrace the pursuit of ‘stuff’.   Why?  Pastor Craig Groeschel says money & things make three major promises that they cannot keep:
1.    the promise of happiness
2.    …significance
3.    …security
Book “His Needs, Her Needs” – claims that women find security in finances…  NO!  our security should be found in Christ..

All 3 of the above promises are lies. Ask someone ‘does money buy happiness?’ Most, without hesitation would say no.. of course not! But if you also asked them..”do you think a little more money would make your life better?” – they would say.. yes.. of course.
More than what they say… watch what they do.. I think we’ll find that in reality they do believe the lie. Husbands break their backs to make more money, wives go into debt for that new coach purse, hair color, bracelet, etc to make their lives better. The just out of college person goes into huge debt buying that new car and paying the higher insurance rates to boot!! What about the newly weds who purchase that house that has the big walk in closet, extravagant fire place, etc…   they believe the lie – having money & stuff makes you important, successful, significant

Ok.. so what about the 3rd lie.. money and things gives me the promise of security? If we are like most people, we tend to think ‘if I just had enough money, then I’d feel secure.’ The problem is – that statement is not true. Why? Because when you get more.. you feel like you need a little more. Ask someone “How much do you need to feel safe and secure?” the most common response is ‘I just need a little bit more.’  Are we trusting money to provide more than we are trusting God?  Money and stuff will never give us the kind of inward security that only God brings.
Satan tries to use money as a substitute for God. Jesus said in Matt. 6:24 “24 “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.(A)
Jesus didn’t say you can’t serve God and power, sex, yourself.. He specifically highlighted money. Why do you think our spiritual enemy uses money to deceive us? Because money is an appealing, powerful false god. Satan will use anything to pull us away from the one true God! Satan loves it when we love and worship money. The toxic trap lures us to worship and serve created things rather than the Creator.  What does money promise? It promises what only God can provide.

Money promises happiness. True happiness, joy and peace can only come from God.
Money promises significance. Only God can make us feel and believe we are valuable/ significant.
Money promises security. Security can only be found in God – insecurity is wrestling with a spiritual problem not a financial one.

Oftentimes we trust in money – we fall into that trap/ the lie because we do not know what we already have in Christ. If you are in debt, chances are you have fallen into the trap so… the only way out is to own it. No excuses.. if you didn’t believe the lies, you wouldn’t have purchased those things that you didn’t need with money you didn’t have. Do we love, worship and serve things or God?

So now what? If we have discovered we have believed these lies, what do we do now?
1.    admit/ confess the lies you have bought into
2. change what you believe as that will change how you behave…  This is how the apostle Paul said it once he got to a place of truth in this area: Phil 3:7-8 But whatever were gains to me I now consider loss(A) for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing(B) Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ(C)

“garbage’ in this translation is better translated as dung/ poop.. or even a stronger word in the original language. Bottom line – what is he communicating – all the things he thought were important are good for nothing, useless, feces.. poop! He knew the truth.. and probably found it out by experience – he has highly educated and a man of resources before Christ. He found the truth – nothing compares to the joy of knowing the Lord! The closer we get to Christ, the temptation of worldly possessions loosen thie grip and attractiveness. We finally care more about eternal things than the temporal. Charles Spurgeon said “You say, if I had a little more I should be very satisfied. You make a mistake. If you are not content with what you have, you will not be satisfied if it were doubled”. Having more in this world does not bring fulfillment. Let’s start telling ourselves the truth:
Money & things will NEVER fulfill me.    Luke 12:15 Then he said to them, “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions.”(A)

once you have done that you can…
3.start living within your means
4.    start paying off existing debt
5.    create a written budget & stick to it– tell your money where it is going to go – plan! It is a proven fact that people without a budget overspend and they have no idea where there money is actually going
6.    live the 80/10/10 principle

and .. remember this: It’s not wrong to have things. It’s wrong when your things have you.

1.    Have you ever fallen into the materialism trap at Christmas?  What is your current family traditions with regard to gift giving?
2.    Of the three false promises… which seems to be the one you get tripped up on the most?
the promise of happiness…significance…security
3.    Share some specific examples of how you see these lies being promoted in society?
4.    Comment on: Phil 3:7-8 But whatever were gains to me I now consider loss(A) for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing(B) Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ(C) 
Can you relate to the Apostle Paul? What have you given up or changed your perspective on since becoming a disciple of Christ.
5.    After admitting and exposing the lies you have believed about money / materialism, what are the next steps you will take?
·        start living within your means
·        start paying off existing debt
·        create a written budget
·        live the 80/10/10 principle

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