Tuesday, May 8, 2012



The majority of content must be captured through the audio - Part 1 & Part 2.... Much of the information presented comes from "25 Questions & "10 Lies the Church Tells Women" by J. Lee Grady

INTRO – Slavery story from "Victory over the Darkness"

Remember...Satan is the Father of Lies – to believe and live out lies means we are following him not God! – This validates the importance of doing a daily truth workout. 

There are no cures on the road to spiritual and emotional health because the enemy works all of the time on us. There are however daily victories over lies that we can consistently have.

GENDER LIES  A few examples…
·        Women are not equipped nor should they ever lead – they are created to be followers not leaders
·        Men do not have the capacity to be as emotional as women
·        Women are more easily deceived than men
·        A man needs to ‘cover’ a woman in her ministry activities
·        Men are analytical, love sports & lack nurturing capabilities
And .. most women love to shop, have babies, cook and stay home.. men love the remote control, tv and being in a man cave…   NOT!

What kind of negative impact do gender lies create?

Let’s look at a few of the lies about women tonight… but first… check out this video.

Lie #1 Women are not equipped nor should they ever lead – they are created to be followers not leaders

Did Jesus believe women could lead?
Luke 8:1-3  
Just put :  See Acts 1:4-5 next
Acts 2:17  –  If Christ commissioned solely men to the ministry of the gospel, why did He send the power for that mission upon both men and women?

Examples:  Samaritan woman (John 4:7-42)   vs 39

Mary of Bethany (see Matthew 26:6-13)
Matthew 26:13

The Gospel Empowers Women
Biblical Examples:
Miriam (see Micah 6:4 & Exodus 15:20)
Deborah (see Judges 4 and 5)
Huldah (see 2 Kings 22)
Esther – (see Esther 4)
Phoebe – (see Romans 16)
Priscilla (see Acts 18)
Philip’s daughters  (see Acts 21) - prophetesses

Galatians 3:28
There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.


1.    What was your reaction to the ‘slavery illustration’?  How about the video?
2.    Discuss the specific lies presented tonight and how they have personally impacted you or those you care about/ know.

Go through each one separately… and have sharing time..

Lie #1 Women are not equipped nor should they ever lead – they are created to be followers not leaders

Lie #2  A man should always ‘cover’ a woman in her ministry activities

Lie #3  Women are more easily deceived than men

Lie #4 Women must obediently submit to their husbands in all situations

As you consider the information presented today, what is your personal take away and prayer request for this week?

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