Monday, February 24, 2014


Class 3
Review Class 2  - assignments – How’d it go?
Assignments – Let’s Get Movin’!
No eating 3 hours before you go to bed
Those trying to lose – lunch has to be your biggest meal – go light in the evening or.. make an attempt to eating small meals all day every 3 hours
- 5 min stretch daily         - workout/ get moving:  do something at least once this week if you are not working out at all… others: do at least 2-3   - try doing a few high intensity workouts…  5-10 minutes…  Mike demonstrate:  30 seconds of intensity, 10 sec break, repeat - running in place, jumping jacks, crunches, squats, plank, lunges, push ups, etc.
Made to Crave – C1-3
Quotes to cling to this week:
 “Each time I crave something I know if not part of God’s plan for me, I will use that craving as a prompt to pray.”
“The purpose of my struggle with food is so much more than the scale or the clothing size I wear.” Ask the Lord what it is. “Am I really ready to surrender?”
“I will not allow food or anything apart from God be my comfort, my reward, my joy, my stress or sadness reliever, or… my happiness!”
1Cor 10:23 “Everything is permissible – but not everything is beneficial”. I have the power available to me to choose what is beneficial.   See Pg 195 in your book for more passages.
“I am choosing to look at this journey as a process of embracing healthy choices rather than denying myself.”  Food is like a drug that is sabotaging my body, my mental energy, and even my spirit.

Reflective Questions and Sharing
Pg 25, #3 & #4
Pg 32, #1 (pg 28), #4, #3 – using food for comfort, reward, joy, stress, sadness, happiness?
Pg 40, Let’s talk more about food plans.. what food plans have you adopted if any and done the research to make a decision?  Paleo, vegan, vegetarian, maker’s diet, hallelujah acres, the Daniel plan, Lys T’s plan on .. a combination?
Next Assignment – remember .. baby steps – at any point this becomes overwhelming and you find yourself failing more than succeeding go back to the week before and just stick with those steps and keep following through… 
Those who eat eggs – switch to free range eggs
Start eliminating all white flour products from your diet – white rice, breads, pasta – use multi grain, quinoa, rice… wheat isn’t so great
Has everyone done away with pop/ soda? If not.. it’s time…
Meat – eliminate processed meat such as – hot dogs, luncheon meats, spam, sausage.. meat that is not in it’s original form

1 comment:

Health and Wellness said...

Always love to read blogs about health and wellness. Keep sharing, looking forward for more post from you. XOXO